Welcome to Healing With Ivy, where professional massage therapy and excellent care go hand in hand!

At Healing With Ivy we believe in healing the body as a whole!  Through bodywork, nutrition, detoxification, energy work, and spiritual counseling it is our mission for our clients to leave feeling completely rejuvinated.

On the day of your initial appointment you will receive a full assessment of your medical history, physical capability, and personal goals. Thereafter, we will create a plan of action to help you achieve
those goals!

Our therapists have worked in conjunction with Chiropractors, Colon Hydro-Therapists, Reflexologists, Iridologists, and at Day Spas around the country. We combine the education devoloped from all of these modalities of natural health and wellness to create the most specific and well rounded therapy programs for our clients. Programs that prove, time and time again, to be deeply healing...even life changing!

At Healing With Ivy, we have a deep dedication to serving soldiers and military families. Some of our specialty programs include, but are not limited to, pre/post operative massage therapy and energy work, and pre/post deployment therapy.  We have disigned these special therapy programs to enable the body to receive healing more affectively...reestablishing the body's capabilities and enabling our clients to live a better quality of life.  


Call today to find out about this month's SPECIAL! Whether you are just looking to zen out or have a specific need, Healing With Ivy has just what you are looking for. Come in and let us spoil you a bit! Call to book your appointment today. Click on "Contact Me" and let the healing begin!

Thanks for visiting, and have a great day!